Why Chatbots Are the Future of Customer Service and Engagement

The innovative expansion of artificial intelligence is perhaps now in full effect, with the establishment of chatbots accounting for only a fraction of this new technological evolution. Numerous businesses and corporations have perceived the vitality, as well as the benefits of incorporating a chatbot system into their communication and customer service sectors. According to research, there are a staggering 2.2 billion users of messaging apps such as Slack, WhatsApp and Facebook messenger each month. Additionally, some renowned examples of voice-commanded chatbots includes Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant. With the diffusion of these messaging applications, the demand for virtual chatbots has not only skyrocketed, but perhaps more necessary now than ever before.

A chatbot, also known as a bot, is essentially a virtual computer program which simulates a human conversation or interaction through text-chats, voice commands or both. This feature can be easily embedded and utilized through the majority of messaging applications. A chatbot’s capability to imitate a human conversation in hopes of resolving assorted tasks has gained the attention of the majority of businesses, entrepreneurs and corporations. Their popularity is primarily associated with their ability to save an abundance of time, as well as their inexpensive engagement nature.

A business which incorporates a chatbot system will not only be able to save money since financial resources to retain employees and manpower availability are essentially irrelevant, but also save them those business a lot of time. Chatbots are designed to automate customer support 24/7, ultimately providing assistance or accessibility to different types of information both rapidly and efficiently. Rather than displaying a countless number of pages containing information, a quality chatbot is capable of answering a customer’s specific question or concerns almost instantly. This is a vital feature especially to businesses where customer service plays a significant role since a customer who is provided with deliberation and attention are more likely to accomplish a business’ ultimate goal of making a purchase or signing-up.

It is no revelation that the chatbot market and the demand for their development and creation is rising at an exponential rate. It is estimated that by the year 2020, around 85% of all customer interactions will not require a human to handle them, and rather by a chatbot. Although the majority of businesses utilize chatbots for providing rapid response to a customer’s inquiries, they are capable of performing many additional tasks. For an example, a quality chatbot is capable of collecting a user’s information automatically, aiding to organize meetings, schedule medical appointments, call or order a taxi, send money to others, check-in for a flight, reduce an organization’s over-head costs and many more.

Chatbots are also capable of obtaining a customer’s loyalty as a result of a fast and a personable response. Regardless of a customer’s concern, inquiry or attitude, a chatbot will always respond in an extremely delightful manner with the goal of providing ultimate satisfaction as well as an exquisite customer service experience. Although these Chatbots are only as intelligent as their programming code, numerous businesses are perfecting their utilization and overall experience. It is projected that chatbots are not only the future of engagement between a customer or a fan and a brand or a celebrity, but also an incredibly beneficial advancement in the artificial intelligence sector.