Five Ways to Generate Qualified Leads for Your B2B Business

One of the biggest difficulties of B2B marketing is lead generation. Generating qualified leads is the lifeblood of any B2B business, yet it can often be difficult to understand how to cultivate them. It can be particularly frustrating because even the marketing experts don’t fully understand where the leads are coming from. One example shows that Hubspot, a leading inbound marketing, and sales platform found that the majority of the B2B leads they tracked were not designated under the usual marketing platforms like content, email, or social media. It wasn’t even the more old-fashioned techniques of direct mail or tradeshows. Instead, the biggest way to gain leads was simply labeled as “other”.

To find out more about B2B lead generation, visit this site. To better understand how to gather qualified leads and convert them, this list reveals the top 5 ways to get qualified B2B leads.

1. Focus on your Audience

One of the biggest mistakes B2B companies make when trying to develop a strategy for generating more leads is trying every strategy. They follow the latest advice, jumping on email marketing, trade shows, and even social media. The problem is that they are not paying attention to their audience.

An easy solution is focusing on where the target lead actually is. If your audience is often at trade shows, then that is where you need to focus your attention on gathering target client information. However, if they prefer having a physical document in their hands before they are willing to go to the website, direct mail may be the best bet.

2. Fix the Leaky Bucket

Another way to get qualified leads is to analyze and test your marketing funnel. Many companies will simply keep putting money and potential leads or traffic into a marketing funnel that doesn’t work. This will drive up the company costs while only getting average or poor results.

One of the ways to fix the funnel is to do A/B testing on landing pages and email funnels. This allows you to discover what headlines and copywriting work the best and will help you get higher conversions.

3. Use Online Marketing

Email marketing, content marketing and online opt-ins are some of the best ways to use online marketing to get new leads. More than 88% of B2B marketers use Email to generate leads and nearly 68% use content marketing.

LinkedIn is another popular social media platform that can generate a lot of leads for B2B companies and it is the highest performing of all the social media platforms to perform for B2B companies.

4. Generate More Reviews

87% of B2B buyers will conduct online research prior to making a business decision and honest reviews will have a huge impact on their purchasing decision. Reviews are a great way to gain social proof for your product while building trust with your customers. There are several ways to create trust with different kinds of reviews. Testimonials allow current customers to express what works with your company and you can publish these on your website. Case studies are a great way to explain how your customers have used your products to solve their problems.

5. Track What Works

Another major mistake many B2B marketers make is that they don’t track their funnel. To understand what channels work, you need to track all of the different approaches and strategies you take. When you discover what works the best, reinvest in that channel and let the lackluster performers go.