Increasing Your Productivity To Harness More Success

Every sales rep looks for ways to do more, become better, and overall achieve sustainable success. Experts agree, the first step to zero in on is killing those enemies of productivity. Here we will talk about becoming more productive.

Being A Productive Worker Versus Being Busy

Time management is one of the most talked about concepts, especially in relation to productivity. If you’re looking to improve your bottom line, your time management is one of the most important strategies to increase sales. In order to get things done properly, you must plan for the time to be used very carefully. This includes everything from how long you intend to take per task to the deadlines per task. Also, as you are planning, there are three major considerations you ought to remember:

1. Time Pockets. This refers to the small pockets of time you might have between two events. For example, the time before you move from one meeting to another. You can optimize on these time slots and get some work done.

2. Scheduling Gaps. Highly productive people have the habit of leaving a few gaps in their schedules to cater to any unpredictable changes during the day. For example, what happens if a meeting runs longer than expected? Or simply allocating extra time for brainstorming to tie up loose ends after a meeting. Schedules that are too tightly packed can undermine productivity where if one thing goes wrong, you might find your schedule going downhill for the rest of the day. Productivity is about doing the urgent, important things first, and doing them effectively within the required time frame. But it is also paramount that you have a clear vision and goal of what the end result should be. In simpler terms, plan everything out.

Planning Equates To Better Productivity

Planning your day out using action points can ensure you get more done, and you do what’s necessary. Many of us use different methods for organizing our schedules, and if it works for you, and you are accomplishing what’s required, then great. But here are a few methods to use;

Post-it Notes

There are life savers because it’s one of the easiest ways to get your pre-planned items done. For paper sticky notes, you can write yourself a reminder and stick it anywhere. As you finalize the action items, toss the post-it notes.

Google Calendar Reminders

If you need consistent reminders, simply type them into Google. It’s become one of the most convenient methods of having a personal reminder service because you can access your Google calendar anywhere, anytime. Best of all, others can also send you reminders directly to your calendar, making it a good way to track your to-do lists, and plan all of your activities.

A proven way to remain productive is to have a system. You don’t have to adopt hundreds of routines, and a working pattern that everyone else adopts, but one that works for you. When applied appropriately, you’ll end procrastination or missed deadlines and spend more hours on actions items that lead to your success.