Mobile applications

The best of iOS Certified professionals and Android improvements (crackerjack) developers work at TRIARE. With us, you can implement many ideas related to digital technologies quickly and cost-effectively. For more information follow this link

Our approach to developing applications

We prefer methods adapted to direct work with a mobile device, i.e. to the development of mobile, not desktop versions of products. This feature gives our customers the following benefits:

  •  the missing large screen ceases to be a obstacle to development;
  •  the scaling process is simplified;
  •  unnecessary visualizations and functions are cut off.

We also focus on validating business ideas and developing productive digital strategies. We analyze the business of our clients and companies competing with them, as well as investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the offered products. The results of this analysis are evaluated according to the preferences of your target audience, which helps to make the right business decisions.

Mobile Application Consulting

  1. The TRIARE team will advise you on any matter related to your business ideas and markets of interest to you.
  2. TRIARE seminars will help you choose strategies based on the rational functioning of your software products.
  3. We help you develop a clear business goal based on insights from your mobile market sector.

Analysis of Internet Applications

By analyzing functions, we check their potential success. Every need of the client and every feature of the market are taken into account. After validating the concepts, we prioritize them in terms of functionality. An assessment is made of how difficult it is to implement, how much it will cost, and whether the necessary human resources are available. At the same time, during the analysis obstacles are identified and information flows are planned.

User orientation

When working with a mobile application, we determine which of its functionality can bring profit to the client. In addition to analytical data, we are guided by practical user experience. We also run alpha and beta tests to see how easy it is to use the app.

Startup development

TRIARE provides small and medium businesses with development opportunities for Android and iOS. We develop cutting-edge software for medicine, building, insurance, trading marketplace and many more.

Our work with clients

We contact you, answer any of your questions and have a talk about your project to find the best technical solution. After analyzing your requirements, we will send you a business proposal as soon as possible.