5 Important Tips For Starting Your Reseller Hosting Business

As someone looking for additional sources of income, have you ever considered web hosting as a business? Hosting in India is very much in demand and makes for a sustainable source of income. But setting up a new hosting company takes a considerable amount of capital. Reseller Hosting is the best way to get into hosting. As a Hosting Reseller, you can sell hosting packages under your brand name.

In Reseller Hosting, you buy hosting space from a hosting provider and create customised hosting packages to sell to your customers. You do not have to invest in the hosting infrastructure. You only pay for a Reseller Web Hosting plan, and you can choose from some great Reseller Hosting plans. Your customers won’t know the difference. For them, you’ll be their hosting provider.

Here are our five important tips to start your own Reseller Hosting business.

  1. Choose your hosting partner carefully

Your Reseller Hosting business will run on your Reseller Hosting provider’s infrastructure. So your choice of hosting partner will determine the quality of your hosting service. If their service is patchy, your service will be unreliable. Choose a reliable hosting provider even if it ends up costing you a bit more. It will save you a lot of trouble and money in the long run.

  1. Choose the right hosting plan

After your hosting provider, your hosting plan is an important part of your Reseller Hosting business. You’ll find many choices in terms of operating systems and features offered. Linux Reseller Web Hosting is more configurable and is priced lower than other options. But resist the temptation of choosing the cheapest plan as such plans often skimp on important features. It will be costlier over time.

  1. Create your branding

White Label Reseller Hosting allows you to put your branding all over your hosting service. All backend areas accessible to the client, such as the dashboard, can be branded with your business credentials. It does two things; it creates a sense of security for your clients when they see your name and it gives more credibility to your business. Branding may be overrated, but it’s necessary.

  1. Find your niche

Hosting is a very competitive business and there are already many hosting providers trying to bag new clients. Your offering needs to stand out to grab attention. Instead of directly competing with the big players of the industry, find a niche market that has not yet been saturated with online access. One way of doing this is to customise your plans to fulfil specific needs.

  1. Market your business

So you have chosen your hosting partner, selected your plan, done all the branding and have found your niche market. Now that you are all set up, it is time to let people know about your business. Be smart about marketing. Harness multiple marketing channels to maximise your reach. Use social media to generate interest and perfect your SEO to get ranked in search results.

Now that you know how to start a Reseller Hosting business, here is a video that shows how you can make your business a success:


These are some of the things to consider when starting a Reseller Hosting business. So, what do you feel about the Reseller Hosting business as an alternate source of income?