All About SEO A Quick Guide For The SEO Content On Website

What is SEO

SEO acronym for Search Engine Optimisation has emerged as the most efficient way of marketing in the era of the internet. If performed the right way, then you can have Google practically help you grow your business. There are two intertwined goals of SEO. First, to deliver the best quality content to the user, and second, to optimize content to rank on the top of SERP.

Australian Internet Advertising is an SEO Sydney based organization. With the services which they provide, your website can practically be converted into a revenue-generating machine that invites a massive amount of organic traffic. They have a cumulative experience of 20+ years in SEO, and they ensure that your website’s SEO is good in all parameters.

Benefits of SEO

Ranking on the first page of Google results is the goal of every developer. To make that possible, SEO is the path which you have to choose. Inculcating the practice of SEO increases the organic visibility of your website and makes your website rank higher in SERP. This has a positive impact on your traffic to the website, which is directly proportional to the revenue generated.

How to write in SEO-

SEO is all about contemplating the questions on the users and then providing their answers. Below is a checklist for SEO:

  1. In the initial days of the internet, the page which had shoehorned the keywords the maximum number of times used to rank higher. However, those days are gone and Google has become much smarter today. It understands the needs of a searcher and ranks those pages better in SERP, which have the best quality of content along with well-optimized SEO.

Google has even said that it doesn’t pay attention to keyword density, using keywords at the optimal place must be at the core of your strategy. A few places where your keyword must exist are the URL, the title tag, the first 100 words of the page, the H1 & H2 tag. Also, the use of LSI sends a message that your content has covered all the topics sufficiently.

  1. Another smart strategy to perform well in SERP is to start with what already exists on the internet and performs well. Then, adding some of your research into it will make it look like a better version of what already existed. Thus, your content will generate more organic traffic. This is called re-optimization. It is much easier and time-saving

However, it only works if you perform regular re-optimizations.

  1. To steal the thunder of your competitors, you must understand how your content will look like in Google’s SERP. Accordingly, adopt the optimum strategy for that format. There are multiple ways in which your content might appear on the SERP, the highest-ranked page gets the ‘featured snippets’. To get it, you must provide all the relevant information on the topic.
  2. Your meta description has a huge impact on customer behaviour. Since it is the first thing they see, an attractive and eye-catching mete description that creates a great first impression will compel the searchers to click on your page. Meta-description delivers the message as to what is contained in your page. Thus, it must be used optimally.
  3. Using links will work as a wonder for your SEO. While internal links make it easy to understand the structure of your site, external links, especially to high authority pages, boost your position at the SERP. Linking will increase the organic traffic on your website because Google wants to provide its users with all the information they want.

Please the reader- the quality of your content and the website must be liked by the user. Here are some of the points of consideration-

  • Page speed

The speed of loading your website must be less than 2 seconds, else the user will leave the website and jump to another page.

  • Installing SSL

Using an HTTPS site gives you an added advantage because it is secure and more preferred by Google.

  • Schema

This is the roadmap of your website which helps the search engine understand your content.

  • Mobile-first

Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, thus, your website too must be mobile-friendly.


Since SEO is the most fundamental technique to building a good online presence, you must adopt SEO techniques to boost the organic traffic of your website.